marcel neidinger

APIs, Programmability + Automation | Programmability Lead @cisco | now: 🇨🇭 | prev: 🇩🇪 🇳🇱 | ❤️ tech, APIs, flying, DevOps and everything ☁️


I am in the lucky position to be able to speak about technology from time to time. While most of my speaking is internal or directly with customers and partners you can find public events in the list below.

These presentations are only the ones that are public to anyone. I am not including the host of presentations that are only accessible to partners or internal for example.





  • 11/01/2021 - Virtual Espresso by Cisco Switzerland - Wie funktioniert eigentlich NetDevOps video


  • 20/10/2021 - DevNet Create - Automation Gone Wrong - Lessons learned from screwing up your network automation video slides


  • 16 - 18/06/2020 - Cisco Partner University Deutschland - Let's build a chatbot in 90 minutes
  • 27/01/2020 - Cisco Live Europe 2020 - Hey Network talk data to me [slides]

You can find slides and talks I find worth publishing in the talks category.

Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this blog are my own views and not those of Cisco and/or its affiliates.